Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

october 31 - in my dream

in my dream i won something, a consolition prize, but i could go on a trip. and while on the bus sitting next to nurul syuhada (of tv3)(she won the trip too), the tour guide(a dude) merely tolerated me (answering my questions with quick answers), but totally paid his whole attention to her. obvs, because she's the pretty one. whatever. when i want to take pictures i discovered the batteries dead. not cool.

also, in that dream a relationship or something towards a relationship did not work out. seriously, pray tell, what else is neweth?

the other day i was obsessed about finding out if pamela ribon(pamie) and stephen falks(stee) has divorced. their imdb and wikipedia pages say that they are still married, but pam hasn't written about stee or mention stee in a very, very long time, and i found stee's website and flickr, and stee's cats are not taylor and cal(it's just olive). separated? this need to know is sick, i know, but i am just so curious. i love pam and i hope they're fine.


today my mom went, "so dah jumpa life partner? everyday i pray..."

mom, i hope too. everyday. everywhere i go. maybe i'll meet someone while returning the maxis BB. he'll be cute and he'll dig me and we'd exchange numbers. maybe if i volunteer at the SPCA i'll meet a guy who's into animals, and we'd first be friends, and be more than friends as time goes by. maybe when i'll go out to dinner someone would ask about me. i'm hoping all the time. but i haven't been lucky yet. i am so sorry.