Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

nov 04 VOTING DAY OMG - even my

person: what time is eeeeet(inspired by natinski)?

person1: o m - i can't believe you just asked me that! i'm not wearing a watch, i cannot wear a watch! i have allergies to the perfume i slather on my wrists, apparently, so now they- my wrists, that is, are red and blotchy and hideous, and they itch. they itch! and it burrrrrrrrrrrrrrnsssssssss. it burns. the other day i scratched at it and i couldn't stop, and the burning DID NOT stop, and i took some ice cubes and put it on to calm the burning sensation, and guess how it felt?

person: uh, good? umm... cold?

person1: IT DIDN'T FEEL A THING. seriously, though, how insensitive.

person: actually i was just singing along to a high school musical song.

person1: oh! so, i guess, it's... summertime?

person: uh-huh.

person1: also, thanks for asking about my well being!

person: yeah. and i'm glad whatever that's ailing you is not making you hysterical, or psychotic, or anything like that.


even my sugar jar. no matter how carefully i close my sugar jar at work, the next morning it would always be a battle of strength(and dry hands) to pry it open. even the sugar jar is trying to help my lack of love life. sugar jar, you're sweet, filled with sugar and all, but unfortunately around here there is no-one single and cute and nice that could be asked to help me open you up(and consequently lead to other things?). in fact, sometimes, they ask ME to twist stuffs open. so, yeah. it's just not happening.