Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

nov 06 - (not to mention giving the world yummy george clooney)

RIP Michael Crichton.

After watching Jurassic Park, i wanted the book so bad i made my dad drive around PJ looking for it. we finally located one at a book store in sect. 14(everywhere else was sold out. the bookstore itself is gone now, a restaurant in its place), its cover was torn a little but i didn't care(psychotic). that gem was priceless and enjoyed immensely. i loved the book so much i wrote another story inserting myself into it(lame). in boarding school i borrowed sphere and congo from the library. i disliked the movies but its every written words i treasure still.

michael crichton will never know how much he played a part in shaping me into the person i am today. he did.(not to mention giving the world yummy george clooney)