Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

november 19 - high school memories

my high school memories.

1. i wanted to be popular so i "hung out" with the popular crowd, but actually i was just a lowly nerd
2. me and my friends used to draw our history teacher with fruits as a body
3. i had a crush on a boy so i put him in a story. heee.
4. a friend and me designed an airplane that is huge, with spaces for everything (prayer room, jacuzzi, etc). today that plane is called a freaking Airbus A380. i am not even kidding with this.
5. at the height of kenny g's popular tune, breathless, we called one person "breastless". we were dumb and mean kids.
6. then i went to boarding school and became a town-snob.
7. but i changed a year later and almost everyone liked me. (ALMOST)
8. me and my room-mate at one time just had to listen to my BSB cassette(!!!) every single day after school. i'll never break your heart got replayed many, many times. (oh the humility)
9. i discovered my true passion - standing in front of a counter meeting a lot of people (this passion went on to university days, then dissipated because now i hate people and teenagers in klcc and have become a hermit)