Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

november 25 - not natural

i'm really glad that the one chuck episode i caught and watched from beginning to end,was the episode where it was explained why bryce got chuck expelled from stanford. that was very nice. (not a big fan of chuck)


the other day i caught ian wright's trek through tunisia and OMG. I WANT TO GO TO TATOUINE. AND STAY IN LUKE's HOUSE. how can i not know this? that tatooine is a real living place? that there is a real living LUKE's and uncle owen's and aunt beru's house??? i want to go there and be there and bawl my eyes out. it's true. i had a hard time SUPPRESSING my tears when i watch it. i mean, there was my mom and my sister there too. but honestly i was thisclose to crying. so i'm going to find ways to get there one day. i'm gonna need companions, and naturally some male companions would be safer. also, i need to find a companion whom i can cry in front of when i get there. it takes a special person, not just anybody. so i just know this much, but the rest are still unsorted.


i'm digging paramore, until i find out that the oldest band member is ONLY 23 years old. its just not natural to go crazy over a bunch of kids. yeeesh.