Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

dec 14 - XOXO

what's this? a desire to watch more gossip girl? what a curious feeling. i've never had one of these before. if i must define it i would say it's actually a like-dislike relationship. i do have a newfound admiration for B., she of the pretty face and an equally pretty bad-ass streak. i'm also liking V, i think she's just so gorgeous. i'm still hating S. though, i truly cannot understand the attraction. i still think some of them are dumb at one point or another, for instance, if, i have a beautiful sight for sore eyes creature who likes me, i'd do anything to have them around. V. a friend once said she's in it more for the parents. i think i see her point. i do like lilly very much, even when she spawned S., who might or might not be related to D.??? i am looking forward to seeing the times of the death of a certain _Sr., which will drive a certain _Jr. to cry in the arms of _. how do i know? that's a non-secret i'll never tell.


i dreamt that the fug girls wrote an entry dedicated to me, because i am such a big fan. i live in a house on a beach, next to alicia keys and queen latifah. there was an investigation on a dean who murdered his wife(and has a girlfriend who works at the same place). my best friend is a korean dude whose sister is in a pop-rock band.