Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

dec 24 - it's chrismas eve

spotted: a couple of juniors in the surau discussing what to do with their bonuses. they want to buy makeup! too cute! also, i was never one of them. what i know about makeup... i know a lot more about starwars, let's just put it that way.


so, hey, i've finally finished reading emma. i love emma to death, but i cannot imagine anything more boring than sitting around talking about how jane could have gotten a cold just for going to the post office, for hours, in dinner-parties she is so fond to attend. how on earth could people survive without television or the interwebs? or talking about one subject for more than 15 minutes? anyway, why do i feel like i truly only understand jane austen's novels this year, when i have been reading them (emma and sense and sensibility, the rest are all first time reads) for the nth time? could it be because i am growing more mature?

other proof of growing more mature: not changing the radio station when a celine dion song comes on, and watching the hills the other day and not gettin g the fascination at all.

for the final(at least now) time i will lay this down and never talk about it ever again, at least until the end of veronica mars season 3(sniff)(STOP IT):
becoming veronica mar's fan:

i like veronica mars because she is sassy, smart, brave, she's not afraid to cry, she's not afraid to ask for help and she just kicks ass. just like buffy. which is why i love them both so much. i like that she gets hurt but she bounces back everytime. she's not afraid to love. they both have very fine qualities that i should like to emulate. also, veronica mars and logan should be together forever, and it still gets to me that while i love logan and would like to have him for myself, i cannot be happier when he is with veronica mars. i guess that's what they call true love? heee.

i also need to do more EARTH TO SELF things, like, household chores... go out with real people... have real-life concerns... basically treat fictional characters as fiction, and not moon and think about them all the time. GOURD.