Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

an explanation.

i feel like the muse has truly left the building. since i cannot go to facebook or diaryland, or gofugyourself, and lolcats at work anymore, i have lost all will to write. there isn't anything fresh. all is stale even before it began formulating. streamyx at home sucks. its a struggle to get it alive. by the time it gets connected i just want to surf thefuggirls and the lolcats. i'm not even interested in facebook anymore. i have stopped writing notes. it felt like everyone is doing it, its a little disgusting. i do have some brilliant thoughts i think i should write down or make alive, but i feel like i dont want to share them. so it sits in my email or just in my brain.
i do like reading my past entries, i wish that person is still here.

ps, natinski, if you're reading this, i hope everything goes well for you. i look forward to reading your updates, unfortunately i cannot access diaryland at work! sucks. a lot. warm thoughts.