Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

june 15 - scrap the le pliage bag plan

so, japan was awesome but i think being neurotic and over-sensitive ruined it for me. there were some happy times, in fact, most of the time were happy times, but i think i was just bewildered by the japanese language and the japanese ways.

apologies in order:
to the station-counter-watcher man i ran over his feet with my luggage, and then i said, arigato gozaimas. seriously, bad form.
to the nenek i also hit with my luggage in the shinkansen. you were so old, i am so, so sorry.
to the people in the small station where you have to show your JR pass to get through, and i thought my friend was there to ask a question, so i went right ahead, they said everyone was shocked. i am just a stupid gaijin who should have known better.
to the crepe-counter guy i insisted on having his attention in the midst of him giving my friend her change - i am so, so sorry. i was impatient! i mean when you buy goreng pisang you have to say out loud how many you want or else you won't get served at all. this was my basis of doing business. again, stupid gaijin.

also on the trip there was this dude who refused to say my name and were always giving shifty, irritated answers when i ask questions. i do not know what is up with him.

other than that, japan is lovely with amazing views and extremely full of cute stuffs that i could faint from all the cuteness.

also my pictures this time was really, really sucky and in most of the pictures i look fat.

but other than that, i have been to japan, yay!
and , scrap that le pliage bag plan, it cost too much and there are other things to buy.

and, i almost bought shoes the other day, and then i didn't because do i really need new shoes? even when i've never owned sunny-yellow ones before? and they're from gap(shibuya)? on sale?