Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

31 jul - why you so pasty

i saw someone else's tokyo pics, and regretting that:

1. i did not enjoy myself more
2. why did i take such crappy pictures?
3. letting my "feelings" get the best of me!

rrrrrrgghhh. arrrrrr.


No, seriously, why's everyone upset that Bryce Dallas Howard is Twilight's new Victoria? Wouldn�t she be seriously awesome? She is, right now, the one true reason I MIGHT consider watching Twilight 2. I guess this is how one would know one is most definitely NOT a Twilight fan. Not even close. (Bryce Dallas Howard is KICKASS! people!)

And to the girl who commented on the rumor that Drew Barrymore could be directing Twilight: Sparkling Sunlight Vampires 2, and wrote something like "she was in E.T. before I was even born!!! NOOOOO" complete with misspellings, ...

Oh honey. You need to find a hobby. Something OTHER than watching Twilight: The Vampire Who Watches While You Were Sleeping: CREEPY and reading Twilight(s): Why You So Pasty. Okay sweetie?