Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

august 27 - new!found interest in make-up

1. remember the last time i reminisced about my sydney pen-pal, how i imagined wanting to get in touch and then got through her brother instead? i found her on facebook! and completely forgot the fact that she has 2 sisters. JUST LIKE ME. ...

2. completely new!found interest in make-up. i am 29 years old, and i've just discovered the want to put on make up. at least a lipstick. TOTALLY cranky crazy cat-lady behaviour, right? I KNOW!

3. completely crazy over simon baker. he is SO HOT i can't stand it. his wife is 2 years older than him, and not particularly THAT gorgeous(at least on imdb. i think she really is THAT gorgeous, maybe not apparent in photos). perchance there's hope for me yet?? (james mcavoy's wife is 9 years older than him) i'm making efforts to catch the mentalist now!

4. i saw this tv-movie over the weekend, long lost son, and, and... OHMYGAUZE HOW HOT IS CHACE CRAWFORD. that i died. the end.

5. i'll be deleting all of my facebook notes posts. just feel like it, plus, no more inspiration to write(in there). and EVERYONE uses notes now. it feels not-special.

6. updating at neriperson.blogspot more because it's damn easier on email. but i still love you, my diaryland, no worries.

7. also more inclined to check out crafts and design blogs. maybe becoming more mature.

8. just had first experience dabbling in shares. i didn't actually spend any real money, and even that, my heart palpitated at the thought of the share soaring and making loads more of "stepped on" money. sick! it's actually sick that money can really make people go crazy. i had a taste and even i went a little crazy. that's just scary stuff, man. just be thankful with what you have.

9. http://yetanotherbloomingblog.blogspot.com/. have actually sighted it before, observed that antonia was wicked funny, but didn't bother to follow. re-discovered, and she wrote -->"You can pull it out of my arse with pliers and sew me up wrong so that I whistle when I piss: just make sure it comes out okay." i fell in love. now THIS is the way i want to write online: about funny things, eloquently, that people will enjoy. and she's british. (speaking of arse(and british), caught a malay series where the girl supposedly studied in england? london? and balked at her dad's idea to be an ideal muslim. she said, "by the way, dad, it's you who have changed, not ARSE." oh honey, ... NO.)(also, she spoke carefully, ENUNCIATING every SINGLE word. dubious, that, you've spent most of your informative years in the queen's land.)

10. still in love with cold mountain the book that i caught myself googling "loving cold mountain". more than once.