Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

oct 02 - skin-contact

love letters lovetaza style:

dear watch that my father bought in china,

i'm sorry, but i'm finding it hard to commit to a watch that needs to be skin-contact a lot of hours in the day to keep on ticking and tell the correct time. you're gorgeous! but hard to maintain.

dear sophie kinsella's twenties girl,
i like you very, very much. and i think i've changed my mind about the american chap. i didn't know him before(because i was only flipping through, but decided then that i liked you, i do), but now that i've had a second complete go at reading you, he is the bees knees.

dear girl who sat to my left at breakfast this morning,

I COVET YOUR STYLE. i love your expensive plaid shirt (expensive i know, because the quality is obvious)(topshop?), your dark premium? they look like it blue jeans, and your clogs/wedges... J'ADORE. it looks like something cupcakes and cashmere would approve. the shiny black cocktail ring was a very nice touch. seriously, i covet it all! except the tudung tonjit. heee. but other than that; i couldn't keep my eyes off you. hope you didn't mind.