Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

oct 7 - by the truckload

my twitter anniversary is on the 24th october. it has been almost a year!
i look back and discovered that i loved my tweets back then. but not now. now they are retarded and almost a waste of internet space. sigh. (i think the turning point was when i became aware that RLfriends can access them. back then i often talk smack about things that amused me)

last night i changed my room around and... i got excited! i'm excited about designing now, heee. new, and weird, but nice at the same time. those american bloggers are such inspiration. at first i wanted yellow accents to furnish my bedroom but now i think the main color is muted green. not so bad, but definitely need a lot more work.

a thought that i had sometime ago but failed to note down:
the show royal pains gives me ROYAL PAIN. my major beef was when the advertisement for it said, "mcgyver plus mcdreamy rolled into one". one look at the hero and i just went, the hell? HE IS SOOO NOT GOODLOOKING. and when it aired? IT SUCKED A LOT. there was a brother and he was also SO NOT GOODLOOKING, also he was annoying as hell. i felt like smacking him all the time. sheesh! so this show is so not good.

there is this print all about a girl buying cats by the truckload and it is so me, but, should i buy it? for about 30ringgits?