Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

october 13 - CEOs also don't

hey, so, turns out the day i bought the cat mart print, my paypal account wanted me to verify my shipping address. which i didn't. which turned into this whole mess of 'i hope my account get fixed up real soon', and 'OHNOES I WON'T GET MY PRINT' and 'I WON'T GET THE KITTEN BOOK EITHER! THEN!', which actually made me very sad. and very concerned. and maybe i should get a device that would enable me to check my emails often if i am THAT concerned about all this. i'm thinking about a blackberry curve. too gadgety for me?


but, sigh.

yesterday i discovered http://nieniedialogues.blogspot.com, though, and...
holysweetmotherofmeatballs who am i to be angry or sad or down or pissed at life? i have no right! when i saw her pictures on oprah i was shocked, and i'm actually still am. the image stayed with me for a long time. the whole thing stayed with me for a long time. i read the comments on the oprah site and people were saying she was beautiful on the inside and it just shows... and sometimes i complained to myself about my zits. it just slammed into me; i had no right. i don't even know how to have courage like that.

my paypal problems: all technical, and solutions are possible. her adversities?

there are worse, worse things.

i was reading about successful malaysian CEOs and it got me thinking, as nearly 30 year-old(s), they don't spend half of their worktime surfing the internet.

i finished reading drowning ruth(Christina Schwarz) in about 3 days. there were a lot of false starts over the years, this time i stuck it through. 10 pages or so in i began to dread that the story won't end pretty, but i committed. i think earlier my attempts always failed because i would read the last page and wouldn't understand why it goes back to the beginning.
the story was not pretty. it was sad and tragic, but not overwhelmingly so. sometimes it got draggy, but i think it was my own problem because i just wanted to know fast why things happened the way they did. the tale was nothing new; about secret babies and incestuous could-be results, but i guess i liked the way it was told because i was still thinking about everyone this morning after a night's sleep.

in the midst of the "i hate dooce" issues that has been cropping up, i realized that i am no better because i, too, had hated some bloggers whose blogs i often read. each time i defended dooce in my head the same should go to them: they had every right to write / do whatever they wanted. i've decided to stop reading blogs that i think are stupid. i still think they're stupid but i'll stop now.

CEOs also don't spend half their time wondering if they could ever get their hands on digital prints regarding cats.