Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

october 14 - i've been collected

it has happened twice: i'm a collectible! i have been in a collection of akmas! (if it has its own wikipedia page it would be defined as: a curation of all names *akma or akma*, by a person or a thing or a machine or a site). i was collected first on facebook, and then on twitter. me! collected! who would have thunk! why??? would be the obvious question, but i don't know! is equally an obvious answer. i might know why, though, but it's too far-fetched and... mythical, and random, that it is best put away. but! I! AM! COLLECT! ABLE! (the first time it happened though i got weirded out. but now that it has happened on twitter too, ...) one of life-goals albeit made-up ac-hoc-ly: achieved.

i might be the last person on earth to change the way my gmail inbox looks, but, secretly, i actually don't exactly know how. heee.

dollhouse: whedon, eliza dushku. i'm supposed to like it, but i... don't? it's weird.

and finally, the last of my memoirs on this:

1. my paypal account's limit has been lifted! life's sweet again, hur rah, hur rah
2. but i'm not sure if i'll get my money back. i guess must be patient and my new mantra: keep calm and carry on.
3. lessons learned: BE CAREFUL when dealing with paypal. apparently there are horror stories, i just knew, hopefully none of the horrors will belong to me. and always double check transactions.
4. shall not ever again: convo someone on etsy before the weekend, buy something from that person before they replied, then not check on emails/etsy convos for a few days. miscommunication will ensue, and loss of cat stuffs will result.