Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

oct 21 - nothing strikes terror

nothing strikes terror in my heart more than reading/hearing about a lost pet.

i like the idea of confession fridays(via natinski), i have a list of things i need to confess. online. where no one reads it. YES.

mondays are dedicated to waiting for burn notice to be on. unexpectedly, i am fond of mike the burned agent. and it's weird seeing gabrielle anwar the way she is now. she is looking quite gaunt and... sometimes haggard. harsh, i know, but this was a lady who was my 90s heroine. i thought she was just gorgeous and i watched any movie she was in(if looks could kill is my favourite heeeheeeeheee despite seriously actually not matured enough to watch it). and now she's so thin! is she happy? i hope so. i mean, i don't think she'd imagine playing a character like this one day. not that it's bad, it's just... not the gabrielle anwar i pictured.

feeling guilty: gemma correll says she'll just ship the thing to me, although neither of us is sure that the payment was received by her. i'm concerned that she'll think i'm anal all over a cat print. i hope she... doesn't.