Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

nov 02 - no(ir) berry

i decided not to get the blackberry afterall because 1. it's toooo expensive! at least for me 2. i can kid myself about wanting to check my emails/social network statuses allll the time, but, come on, me, seriously? no, right? maybe for the first few weeks and then? and the only reason you want to check your email often is if there is something to do with online shopping. and you're sooo over facebook. also, your phone is soo getting non-action these days it's almost a spinster like you. um.
deal sealer: no 3g. if i ever go to japan again, i'll be phoneless. again. (which means cannot check on the cats often).(also if truth be told i have no idea what differences 3g will make, only, phone no work come land in japan.)

thom - patrick jane date status: SUCCESS

movie, new: ps i love you. oh gourd this movie was so terrible it made the book bearable. not hilary swank's fault. it's just that the way that it's been told ... it didn't make a lot of sense. and movie-daniel is so ICKY with a lot of UNKEPMT and MESSY and sometimes i think he smells, and suddenly he has feelings for holly that was too sudden and where the heck did it came from? it's so messed up! the only saving grace was dean's father(jeffrey dean morgan a.k.a. papa supernatural) whom i thought was javier bardem 95% of the time, only towards the end that i had terrible feelings that it's not p.de cruz's boyfriend, it's... dean's dad. and izzie's denny. and he was SO HOT OMG

seriously, he was so hot omg.
anyway me and my sister both agreed that people who said they cried watching this movie, has not seen movies. ever. pity them.

book, new: brisingr. i think the glitter has worn off. i feel like this book was totally written by a boy wanting to be bigger. you're not there yet, young man. it's kind of painful. and i roll my eyes so badly everytime you mention eragon wanting to be with arya. gourd. teenage angst is so... raw and immature. to be honest, reading this is kind of a drag. i'm only still 1/5 in but... sorry, man. not feeling this one.