Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

nov 5 - the worrywart

remember wanda the worrywart? a book borrowed from a friend and never returned. heee. anyway, she worries about everything. she went into the woods wearing a red parka because it was deer hunting season and she didn't want to get accidentally shot. she had markers and marked every tree she passed in case she would get lost trying to find the way back. and she liked gus who likes to glower a lot.

i am soo wanda. i worry about everything. even-no ESPECIALLY things that are not in my control. things not other people are not worried about or don't bother to be worried about. and my special worries are reserved for things that other people normally WOULDN'T worry about.

i found these words on the internet and i thought it was beautiful:

Everyone feels like everyone else, just not at the same time

People are unpredictable

Letting go is better than maintaining control

Absolutely nothing good can come out of over thinking things

if only i could follow these rules i believe my quality of life would be so, so, so much better.

but it's haaaaaaaaaaaaard.

also, i am too emotional for my own good. gourd. i hate that.

currently the things i'm worried about qualifies me as a ccl. that would make it reason/prerequisite... number... 100.

something i wrote about phones, but hardly applicable anymore because apparently the current phone's battery was thisclose to exploding(i have been SO ignorant, it's embarrassing), so i changed it. but it still has a naked butt.

me: phone, you're fiiiine. except that you have a naked butt. but the tape that is holding the battery is pretty! also, you'd die 2 seconds into conversations. but that is really fuel towards my goal of life in hermitivity. so really, you're fine.

phone: momma! *dies*

me: sigh.


me: i think i like you.
a blackberry: but of course.
me: maybe...
a blackberry: you may. but in japan i will fail you. HA HA HA.
me: i don't like you so much now.
a blackberry: frankly, my dear, i don't give a damn.


nokia(s) from the hsbc leaflet: youhooo! you know we are totally calling your name, honey!

me: but! uh! i'd like to be, savvy, at least, you know?

nokia(s): but you're a cheapskate! us 2 for the price of half of the one that you think you want to get!

me: sigh.

current phone: i'm alive! kidding. *faints*

me: double sigh.