Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

dec 08 - all kinds of crap

i just realised that even though what i have recorded on this online journal could be just crap, i would never know when i might need it. for instance, last night i caught bill and giuliana(burn notice ended without me noticing. sorry, michael). i never liked giuliana, and i'll admit that when i first heard about them having a reality show about their married life, i was all "who cares? and how could it have happened(the deal)??" but last night it wasn't so bad. i even find them... cute. and i kind of love it that giuliana sometimes calls bill rancic. i like that she talks in a deep voice and none of the ngada-ngada type. she's not lovey-dovey either. she's kind of cool. i think her PA is icky AND iffy, though.
anyway, it reminded me of another tv couple whose married life i loved. but i just can't recall who. turns out:
http://nerryna.diaryland.com/080808_38.html (wow. jloveheww and i have come a long way to find ourselves at this juncture of life)

thanks, diaryland. you've saved me from insanity.

so, (all kinds of)crap: you'll never know when you just might need it.