Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

jan 25 - book 1: elphie

i loved wizard of the oz. i thought it was whimsy and magical. i especially love the part when they had to enter the emerald city wearing the green-tinted glasses. i thought it was very, very clever.

wicked changed it all, a lot if not little. there was another side of the wicked witch of the west. the oz was not as magical as you think it is. it is another world not unlike ours. it has systems, corruptions, struggles, stories of human, stories of non-humans, it is a complete parallel world.

wicked offered a great insight; it drove home that there is always two sides of a story.

i knew how the story of the wicked with of the west ends, it has all been explained in wotz. but in wicked when it came it shocked and saddened me, and left me disturbed. elphaba was everything but evil. i'm glad she knew love, and she that she had love.

deliciously told, honest, logical, real.

i hated the blurb at the back, though, because there was a question; how did the wicked witch ended up wicked?

she wasn't.
other news: someone abandoned their pet dog in my neighbourhood and the guards at the post has been taking care of him since. breaks my heart. the fella has a collar but no ID. it gives me conniptions. any form of pet abandonment (especially cats, or dogs, or exotic animals) is vile and despicable. cats can take care of themselves, but still it'd be heartbreaking, but dogs are worse. they are used to people taking care of them(ditto for exotic animals). i'm really serious about thinking less of people that i know who has done these things(1 did. so disapprove).

how do one let self go?