Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

feb 13 - belgarath, briony, cecilia, robbie.

book 3 - Belgarath the sorcerer, by david and leigh eddings. i must admit i had low expectations reading this. i have never been into fantasy literature, i am a serious science fiction customer. plus, i got it from the book-crossing corner in OU because it was the only interesting looking one left. in the beginning i was kind of lost. i thought that there were too many words and it was draggy, but the feeling reading it was nice, not weird, something familiar like sinking into science fiction. by the time i came to the end i like it, a lot. i like it enough to consider seriously looking for the other books to read because this was just one part of a bigger story. a nice intro into fantasy, for me, and i like to call it, fantasy-cal. har har. gotta admit it drove me crazy about the whole poledra thing i googled it to understand. heee. understanding is everything so now i appreciate everyone and everything a whole lot more.

book 4 was atonement by ian mcewan. bought this for 12bux at amcorp mall flea market, and i was disappointed because it costed that much. the best buy ever was donna tartt's a secret histroy for 5bux. anyways, i bought this because i was terrified of the thought that after belgarath i had no new books to read, do i have to start borrowing twilight books from my friends??? so atonement saved me(then)(!!!*).
at first i wanted to summarize this book as, i like it. it was held as a literature genius, many praises, but i didn't feel the same. so i just like it instead of loving it. i didn't get the atonement part. where was it? i wasn't satisfied with it. i felt briony did not suffer as she should. it also seemed like the 2nd "adult" book i've read, after cold mountain, can't explain how "adult" is but it felt like it.
then i read the epilogue a second time and... finally it hit me in one fell swoop. briony became a writer. she wrote many books, but this novel, the one we have just finished, was her last instead of her first. it was of the whole truth. there were many drafts over the years(59 years) but this final one was the only one where the lovers lived. cecilia and robbie both died in 1940. she never met them. she carried her crime and her guilt for the rest of her life. the novels were her atonement, but an atonement that would have no recipients.
realizing that, just, wow. that is some powerful stuff.
an owie.

apparently the wolfman is not just a b-grade movie, which i had assumed. it starred benicio del toro and emily blunt. but it sounded like it, when on radio, the promo was "is he half wolf or half men?" and i was all "the title is The Wolfman. DUHHHHH"

*no more new books to read! can't buy any i'm broke! nearest available resources are twilight and co. oh noes noooooooooooooooooooo