Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

march 04 - anna, kitty and jane.

actually this year(2010) i wanted to update often, and only on odd-numbered dates. but the office makes it hard to publish a post and sometimes i get lazy getting online at home, so...

when i first heard 21 guns by the cast of american idiot, the musical, it brought tears to my eyes. i didn't even like the song. but the voices were heavenly. my taste in music is really odd; i really like songs that are not sung by the original artists. heh. anyway, 21 guns sung featuring the cast still makes me cry. it is seriously SO good.

book 6 - the boleyn inheritance by philippa gregory. i like that i know more about henry 8's 4th and 5th wives. and henry is truly insane at the end. i'm trying to imagine having that much power; the power to dispose a being for stupid or non-existent reasons... it's sick. it must have been absolutely terrifying to live in his times. despite that the ladies STILL vie to be queen. but i guess this hasn't changed much - i read somewhere kate middleton was at the right place at the right time and it HAS been in her mother's grand plans. so, anyway, anne of cleves got the best deal of all, very smart, although i think she was deemed most stupid at first. kitty, poor kitty howard, i don't think she really knew what was coming when she first ventured into the ambition. and jane rochford/boleyn - i think it was clever of philippa gregory to make us have 2 views of her in this book and the other boleyn girl. in conclusion: nice, but not a favorite, but philippa did good.