Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

april 22 - day 2 - beaches, waterfall, look outs and byron bay

2nd day in goldcoast, in short, this was what we did:

1. decided to go to springbrooks to check out glow worm spots. Cheyah could not remember the name of the place where it costs next to nothing to view them (other places charged a lot)
2. dropped by a lay-by next to a river/wharf area where rich people lives and have parking bays for yachts.
3. took pictures in the parking lot of seaworld. I ain�t paying no money to watch fish jump out of the water no more after the tilikum incident.
4. drove by palazzo Versace, where even to afford a closet space-sized room you would need to be a millionaire.
5. went to main beach to see some� SURFERS. Heh.
6. went to surfer�s paradise again, to check out surfers, again.
7. went up the mountain to springbrooks. Very wind-y road. There are bridges over cliffs that only 1 car goes through at a time.
8. stopped by the springbrook waterfall lookout.
9. had picnic for hunger reasons.
10. moved to look for glow-worm places. Found a suspicious-looking trail, so did not try to proceed.
11. decided to go to the best look out.
12. trekked down-hill to best look out. Saw some ancient 2000 trees on the way.
13. the best look out IS the BEST LOOK OUT. You can see a whole valley. And mountain ranges. And the highest point in goldcoast. Australia was made out of craters of volcanoes
14. trekked up-hill leaving the best look out. Out of breath.
15. got on the highway for byron bay.
16. crossed the divide between New South Wales and Queensland!
17. lonnnnnnnnnnnnng drive. Sleepy.
18. but did not sleep.
19. Masyoo caught me closing my eyes for 5 seconds. Heee. There is no interesting radio station on australia�s highway. Masyoo and cheyah entertained themselves by tuning into a classical music station, narrating stories based on the music. I chimed in once in a while only I was not sure if I was making any sense, almost falling asleep.
20. arrived in byron bay. Cute town!!! Went straight to the lighthouse. Had to pay 7 dollars for 1hr parking. I thought this was daylight robbery. The lighthouse is charming though! Very white. Had tours but didn�t join. We went down the trek down the cliffs instead, all the way down to the julian rocks. The view was magnificent. The sea was blue and green. The waves crashed down below, I was mesmerized by the white sprays. At the most eastern point of Australia we encountered an iguana. SO CUTE! But people ran away though. All it wanted was to get down the cliffs.
21. trekked up again after julian rocks, I think I almost passed out.
22. went off to find lunch. Fish and chips take-away, ate in the park next to the beach. People were surfing, sun-tanning, and this one couple on a blanket in front of us should probably get a room.
23. jalan-jalan Bandar kecil itu in search of souvenirs. It is a very cute town. Had some gelato. Mine was chocolate mint. Having it in a cup was a good decision. Masyoo and aida discovered otherwise.
24. bertolak pulang untuk solat, we had a dinner date with cheyah�s old uni mate, a married couple with kids who are both COOKS. AWESOME COOKS. I�ve been looking forward to this all day. HEHE.