Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

may 01 - things to do

things i want to do sempena my bday.(should be 30, tapi hmmm cukupkah motivasi)

1. watch kick-ass
2. clean out wardrobe (that pink shirt u dont like... bagi ler for charity... it's still in good condition but it looks weird on your body actually. just saying.)
3. buy glee ori soundtrack.
4. make the family a complete meal (app., main course, desert, drink)
5. buy the kitten book from gemma correll.
6. maybe have perfect discipline at night to sembahyang isya' before tidor. complete with dah mandi, basuh muka, gosok gigi, and baca quran.(whole of may, do this)
7. do the arm exercises with the dumbells in your room for toned arms like jennifer aniston. for the whole of may.
8. get thee to a dentist.
9. get thee to a complete medical check-up.
10. pegi broga.
11. pakai make-up before pegi kerja? at least muka siap. for month of may.
12. compile NZ pictures and publish coffee table book.
13. trim your facebook acquaintances. only keep the ones you are willing to say hi to and can at least make conversations with.
14. finish 3 books - anansi boys, alphabet weekend (ni dah start tapi mcm boring, but habiskan!! cause it was a birthday present for someone that you chose yourself. takkan u pilih buku hampeh nar) and the third one i think it should be catcher in the rye because jd salinger died this year and you should read it at least once in your life.
15. make your bedroom pretty. cupcakeandcashmere's glass knobs cantik for hanging necklaces! that's an idea.
16. address my parents as ma'am and sir, as in yes ma'am, or no sir. mcm buang tebiat but i think it's hard to be rude this way.
17. bring the cats for check-up or jabs. also buy new pet carrier.
18. stop rubbing eyes.
19. to re-read my diaryland entries from the beginning and copy-paste the ones i like(love mcm perasan gila pandai write) into a word document... just in case one day andrew decides to just scrape off the whole thing.