Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

june 10 - the bieber curse

i've got to stop reading crappy blogs, again! i cured myself from reading bagsnob, surely i can stop wanting to trawl through blogs that talks a lot about material things that made me snicker and scoff at them in my head, and generally leaving me feeling holier than thou albeit for 5 seconds. it is just not healthy(and leave me feeling like crap).

so, anyway, sometime last week i caught the mtv movie awards advertisement with justin bieber in it? the one with the 4D movie and aziz ansari(who?)was, "that's bieber! noone talks back to bieber!" and the 4D dude was just "i don't care!" and then his mobile rang and his ring-tone was bieber's ooh baby. i thought that was hilarious and, ... suddenly i don't mind justin bieber anymore. i am such a sucker for all things goofy. still don't like him, but at least am not loathing his mystifying appeal any longer.
it's the bieber curse. nothing you can do about it.

i forgot that i read sophie kinsella's the undomestic goddess in the midst of the other books in the last update. so that was book number 15. i must say it surprised me. i was fully expecting it to be full of fluff. i actually doubted the being domestic part, how can a lawyer simply show up to a house and proceed to play housekeeper, successfully? it is most ridiculous. turned out, it didn't happen like that, instead what happened was quite logical and acceptable, so, i was sold. it was not bad.

also, i saw shopaholic the movie and... isla fisher's becky bloomwood is an idiot, yes, but not quite fit to be hated. i hated becky bloomwood in the books. isn't that funny? the movie quite made sense. the books are horrendous.

currently embarking into reading the parent's vintage Tolstoy's war and peace(i keep calling it love and war), with percy jackson's adventures in between. speaking of which, i have fallen pretty hard. i'm buying every single one of the books and not caring how much it will cost(uh, yikes).

i bought some jewelery from etsy, birthday presents to myself but now i'm feeling that they may be a tad expensive(i always do this: have regrets. nghhhhhh grrrr). i've gotten them, i love them, i do, but if the things are sold here i might not have bought them with those prices! oh well. lose buying, win wearing.

in short:
please stop reading crappy blogs
people not wanting to care for their pets anymore for various reasons(mostly i find trivial and cruel) saddens me a lot.
dude, ralph macchio is 48 years old? yowza. i mean, how old was i during the karate kid years? was i already alive for outsiders?