Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

june 29 - insoles

someone: those are great shoes.

me: thanks! they're my mom's. they're ferragamos. even though they were bought in woodbury common, in the big apple, new york, a place famous for its factory outlet shops, they are still awesome, because they are original. would you like to see the insoles where the brand was stamped?

in reality:

someone: those are great shoes.

me: thanks! they're

someone: oops, gotta go. bye!

*i wouldn't really hold a conversation about the insoles of shoes, future self. don't be alarmed. this was just to make fun a blog post about ferragamo shoes not being kasut raya. apparently i am also a blogsnob.

pps: i also bought something. i hope you'll be happy with it for years to come. YEARS. also i promise that this would be the last time we'd buy something for ourselves.(online). it's still ok to shop for other people, of course.

... until the next kitty related thing to be obsessed over. like, oh, THIS:

