Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

oct 17 - but i love the cappuccino there

one of my pet peeve is when people press the button twice at the coffee machine in ikea. twice because the first time their cups weren't full. first of all, it's free refills. seriously. you can go for seconds and thirds or fourths, FOR FREE. second, if you find yourself desperate enough to press the button twice at one go, please wait for the lights to be on again, at least, to signal that the machine IS ready for another go? so i don't have to wait and witness you standing there like a fool, waiting for the coffee to come down, because you pressed the button RIGHT AFTER the first coffee trip? FYI the machine was not ready to dispense coffee RIGHT THAT MINUTE because THE LIGHTS WERE STILL OFF. and third, make up your mind? do you want it to be filled full to the brim or not? because if after all that effort(by you and by the witnesses standing behind you) you then pour some of it away because it's too full and probably too hot to handle, then i cannot help it but think, "bitch".