Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

nov 01 - i don't think

so the other night i was not fun to watch TARA with. because i was all "OMG I WAS THERE" when they mentioned te anau and "NOOOOOOOOO DON'T LOOK FOR PETROL IN ARROWTOWN, ARROWTOWN TAKDE MINYAK!" when ethan and khairi repeated our mistake going into arrowtown to re-fuel. for reals. M texted back, "haha. malaysians."

if i had known the nevis swing bungy was that, i would have gone on it. it's just like a real huge roller coaster. i like that you don't have to will yourself onto the platform and force yourself to jump, which my guess is would be my undoing.


crazy cat lady signs #894:

1. feeding the cats in the office carpark and has names for them. so far: comot, mama, and mini comot. and big orange. and they know your car, and knows you're coming by recognizing your footsteps (or spotting your face).


last night olivia saw that peter was from the other side. it was heartbreaking. i am seriously mighty glad i learned everything season 2 on wikipedia - if i hadn't, yesterday's revelation, i would have fainted.


grating: when people say "i don't think so" when they really mean "i don't think".