Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

nov 9 - how cheesy

raiding mother's closet was successful today - pulled out a houndstooth blazer of yonks made by the principal of bernard chandran's first school (or something like that). SCORE.

http://www.yesandyes.org/2010/10/true-story-i-didnt-buy-anything-new-for.html -> this article is very inspirational.

i dreamt i went to jon and sherry's house where they had an open day - a day where fans converge their house to marvel at the insides. their house was like a warehouse! there where blocks of cheese stored inside refrigerators and outside - and i asked how come they store their cheese outside? sherry said those are the ones already opened and will be consumed in a matter of time. that's right, i went to see the DIY king and queen and noticed the cheese. nice. i also always speak good english in my dreams. only in my dreams.

cat lady signs!
cat blogs. all the time.