Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

dec 08 - squeaks and everything!

list of changes awal muharam.

1. not frown at parents
2. stay calm all the time
3. use brain harder
4. not avoid people
5. make small talk with people or at least say something
6. talk with family the way you talk to the cats (no yelling or putting on "DUHHHHHHHHHH" voice)
7. no more buying new clothes
8. no more buying accessories until all things have been worn more than 20 times
9. no more buying embellishments until at least 80% of existing ones are used up
10. tidy up all the time - room, kitchen(before going to bed), living room.
11. pray early.


we made jokes about me starting a blog, listing things i hate. one hate per entry. it is actually a fantastic idea, because i do hate things a lot but probably not a good idea if i were to remain social. however here are some funnies i thought of:

(not serious SERIOUS about it though. but my jokes only i get)

i hate your facebook updates about your kids

but i love my facebook updates about my cats. they just went potty, btw. so clever!

i hate your facebook updates about missing your "honey bunny sugar bunch hubby who has to work late, i'm not gonna go to sleep yet because you're not home *pout*"

but i love my facebook updates about missing my cat who is currently at the vet's my poor snookums cuddly bunch mummy mishes you vewwy much get well soon! xoxo.

i hate your facebook update about that branded bag that you've recently acquired

but i love my facebook update about this new cat tunnel i just bought. it squeaks and everything!