Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

dec 23 - thor-a

how much monies did thora birch make just by being "cute" in days of yore? but seriously she was soooo cute! i spent the whole of "all i want for christmas" trying to remember her name. i knew it could start with a 't' or has a 't' in it but i keep coming up with anna paquin. i knew the brother too, just that the name didn't come to me instantly(ethan embry!!). i used to be able to do this in seconds. in a second, even.
in doxie's words: hi, oh look... i'm old.

last night i dreamt we ended up somewhere and needed a ride back to kl to retrieve my car(very weird. went from driving, to suddenly entering a highway not heading towards kl, to suddenly being in the backseat resulting in being dropped off in order to get back to kl). we had a ride but i ruined it by picking a fight with the would-be driver who was fat and was a d-bag. then i approached rozita che wan!!! who was there looking all hot and wearing a skirt, but she said sorry... i have family members on board.
the dream ended with still no rides hitched.


how i live now by meg rosoff.

you know how i can be with stories containing animals. i absolutely cannot not stand any forms of pet abandonment or animals being left by themselves to
survive, and a quarter through the story i had a feeling that this is how it would turn out, so i wanted to hate it. plus, it's about a war. more dread.


could you hate a book so haunting?

this is a book i begin appreciating the moment i read the final word(you realize the beauty of it when you've gone through everything).

from the beginning this book got me thinking: how words are simple by themselves but put together carry so much weight. like,
a. baby. goat. called. ding.

a. cousin. named. edmond.