Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

feb 16 - mak jealous

just finished re-reading donna tartt's(i kept wanting to write/think tartlett, hehe) the secret history, and my goodness, wasn't it a very, very good book. i though the words in it were just exquisite. every phrase is beautiful. if i could describe this book in 5 words mine would be: desire, euphoria, horror, despair, regret. each word is how the story flowed, to me.
i am most intrigued by henry, how in the beginning he did not appear to care for richard at all, but suddenly, without notice or even a significant event, he became to accept richard whole-heartedly. i always go back to that.

emily's house is absolutely divine:

and her boyfie is so easy on the eyes. mak jealous, but they're living together tak kawin. so.


nothing else, for now. oh wait, been really worried about news of Au. it's the only reason i've been checking twitter using my phone every half-hour, IF there are latest updates. the cat-person community online is really awesome. they would be the only one who understands.