Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

march 17 - hk 4th day

4th day hk.

on this day we decided to just walk around, visit the markets and of course, the h&m near to our place heee. we also wanted to go to stanley and drop by j's house(aberdeen near stanley?), c's friend.
first stop was the flower market. i was expecting a true market style senario- like pasar mlm style with stalls and tables spilling out onto the street, but apparently the flower market was quite tame. it's actually a row of shops along one long street. quite orderly, and plenty of beautiful, gorgeous flowers. at the end of it we found yuen po st bird garden, where the old ones usually gather to talk and show off their pet birds. (m found an interesting info in one of the books-it is also a place where strange persons could be found). we went in just to have a look around but i didn't like it much because there were lots of birds in cages. broke my heart.
then we proceeded to goldfish market - the same thing! less market, more like rows of shops selling the same things.
then proceeded to h&m where i grabbed accessories(while h&m is still not available in malaysia i would still covet), and cute purple sneakers(thought it would save my feet, not so much, but at 40MYR what would you expect). came out happy.
stopped by ladies's market again, just opened at 12pm. went back to tiny room to pray then off to stanley.
we purposely chose to take the double-decker bus that promised a rollercoaster ride as described by blogs and reviews. sure enough, i lifted my feet and it was roller-coaster-ish! m described it like "going up cameron highland but in a race".
stanley was nice. different from i remembered, but nice. beach views, expats views, but the shops close early, though. 6pm and they were packing up. weird.
before going off to stanley we re-considered going to j's, and decided to meet back at the city instead for dinner.
from stanley to city, instead of taking the double-decker bus, we got into a 16 seater van. i think it was a more thrilling ride than the double decker bus. on the way back saw entrance to ocean park - i totally forgot that we should be headed this way if we want to go. we also saw op's roller coasters perched at the edge of a cliff from the distance. i think that was the one that i was too chicken to get on when i was 12.(at this age i'd do it in a heartbeat)
got into the city, looked for a place to eat. can't remember the name of the place we got off(must look up later) but i think it was very near sogo's causeway bay(so causeway bay?) l wanted to look for halal indonesian resto we could have dinner at and the place is sort of like indonesia-town. couldn't figure out where/what shop, though, so i stopped to ask directions and got directed to warung malang near indo embassy. checked it out. dodgy entrance but can do. met j and l's friend studying dentistry in front of sogo(a), proceeded to warung malang for indo dinner(ayam penyet. not bad.)
after dinner we wandered around for dessert and j suggested a place she knows nearby. inside one of the malls? the place is called honeymoon? and it's halal! so cool. j was very enthusiastic about which dishes are the nicest and she was so cute. she recommended the durian pancake which she loved so much. of course i didn't have a bit(NOways) but everyone else was amazed at how fresh the durian tasted. we had some traditional chinese desserts, not all cold, like ginger soup, tofu etc but all very nice. oh yeah the place is called world trade center. mall at the bottom, office on top.
finally had to say goodbye to j and a. it was our last night in hongkong (and sleeping in a very tiny miniscule cute room).


things that if people told me i would be doing today, i'd laugh.

1. wear skirts by own choice
2. wear rings on fingers or be crazy about rings as accessories
3. a twitter addict (got it so bad i am so not amused)
4. a serious cat lady ha i got it coming