Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

march 23 - thora and the polar bear

i saw a snippet of a movie featuring thora birch and a baby polar bear. HEART MELT GOO NOOO yeah, i didn't stick around to watch. you know how i could get with movies featuring adorable helpless animals.
thora birch will forever be to me the precocious child in hocus pocus, and the little girl singing 'have yourself a merry little christmas' over and over again in that one christmas movie. love her.
speaking of hocus pocus, guess who thackery binx grew up to be? that nerd in NCIS! when i first learned this i was floored. i mean, i put him in my 'cute boys' list! whoaa.

my sister's getting married in 2 days, liz taylor passed away today.