Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

april 04 - most fowl

that poem kat read at the end of the movie 10 things i hate about you? could sum up the feelings i have about the artemis fowl series. it's so weird! i am so not fond of this kid and yet i cannot compel myself away from buying his books. most recent find is a 25bucks hardcover one. gotta admit, it was a deal. and i recently discovered that he has been around for 10 years. 10 years! i felt old immediately.

i have identified 3 things i would like to gift myself for my birthday:

1. the milk toof picture books (otw!)
2. the vamoose jasper beads necklace (if i make this these 3 months i think i deserve it)
3. warby parker lookalike glasses?

hey where is that list i promised myself?