Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

april 15 - kendie one day

i have on a 'kendie' outfit today! yay! seriously, i totally don't read her words anymore. and she could do with less pics, but whatever, she's still inspiring in the dressing sense. so, yeah, we're okay.

did you know/realize that it's a luxury to be able to lift your legs to sink level and wash them(feet) in it? think about it. some people couldn't without toppling over backwards.

i'll be picking up my milktoof book today, hurray!! SO EXCITED. i think i'd be ordering the dr horrible book and sweet valley confidential paperback on bookdepository.com.

speaking of books, since i won't be getting that 180buckaroos thevamoose necklace for my bday present, i'm thinking of buying the whole set of percy jackson books instead. i have been wanting to get them, right? and i know they're good books for me because right before i returned the last olympian to its rightful owner, i read the last few pages again and got tears in my eyes. luke sacrificing himself, percy NOT the true hero, annabeth's confession... man. totally did me in.

ALSO, mmmmaybe the cat cube.