Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

25th Apr - proudduck

(this was written for 25th April)

last night i stayed up late reading proudduck.com, so naturally i dreamt that we met. she was just as every bit pretty and cute as her bloglife. her life is like a fairytale, i bet she never has to worry about keeping a zakat receipt too well that it would be hard to find.

seriously, self, i think it's safe to never keep anything in a "secret" place because in the end it will be a secret even from yourself. plus, these days, you forgot someone's name(a colleague of the same damn floor) for more than three days, you struggled to remember sela ward's name(teddy! and a regular feature of CSI:NY currently), and the other day it took you 20 minutes to recall a description of a graph.

and keep a log. all the time.