Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

may 23 - jelly pong pong *faints*

i saw on bio there's a show called obsession, and it was about people who has OCD. but i just realised OCD is more than just a person who has to count to 100 before sleeping, or insist on going through the motions of locking a door fifty times before being satisfied. i too have ocd even for a smidgen, because i just obsessed and got worried over paying for something higher than what it could have been valued at. but i am enjoying these products! and yet there is that nagging feeling that i can't get over. while being in this situation i am extremely anxious and am exhausted in my mind. seriously i wish i could get over this.

anyway the thing that i bought was a non-powder blusher by jelly pong pong, its name soooooo cute i could faint PLUS it has a picture of a duck on the cover. ADOWABLE. and a soap too, that has the delicious smell of chocolate. i am happy with them i really am. if i bought anything else it might not get used as much. (100 for the two items which i checked the price against and turned out i did not save as much as i would have liked. SEE? WHY DOES IT HAVE TO MATTER OH GOURD)

in other news i have been disconnected from twitter for almost 12hours now and might be having withdrawals symptoms. i did not mean to be this person.