Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

june 02 - jells pong2

you would never thought i'd do this, but i have started wearing make-up. !!! ! !!! ! and, !!!!. yes. i have. but don't be alarmed, it's just a hint of a blush and maybelline juicy lip gloss. it has vitamins for the lips and doesn't make them dry. the blush is by jelly pong pong, and i have been applying them daily so far. i love it. but i'm not too sure i'm doing it right, i like that it gave me some color, but after every application i kind of get the feeling i look feverish. like on the verge of having a fever. but don't think it's so horrendous. although there was this one time in a meeting this guy refused to meet my eyes at all so i kind of thought maybe i have clown cheeks? not sure.

other than this i have no other news.

just this: http://www.workitmom.com/bloggers/singlemomatwork/2011/05/28/not-what-i-expected/