Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

july 23rd- harry potter the end.

saw harry potter 7 part 2 this night and didn't shed a tear. Not one. Odd. But no tears for realz. I know which parts made eyes leak, though, it was good, but all in my thoughts were, "GOURD i love these 3 crazy kids." i do. I love them. There is a sense of accomplishment when harry defeated voldie on screen, but nothing seemed to touch the sad parts of my heart, only genuine feelings of adoration and contentment. That their journey has ended, that they have come a long, long way, and they leave us on a high note.
Also draco malfoy grown up? Looks exactly like james mcavoy. YUM. And neville longbottom is the cutest dude i saw with buckteef. So adowable!