Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

9th aug - the most fabulous

i had a dream about going to the most fabulous and biggest mall ever, leaving shoes in a furniture store, trying to get back to the said furniture store to retrieve my shoes, but had to ask directions from a chinese restaurant, and then for some reason after asking directions had to navigate from one ledge to another by way of jumping. which i freaked out because i felt that it was tooooo farrrr and i could fall into the water which looked very deep. very glad vision of sharks did not pop up then(that was another dream), but even in dreaming state i was baffled from why i do not want to jump. i felt like it wasn't actually un-doable but i just freaking refused to do so. sub-conscience telling me i am so not a risk-taker? i shy away from changes? hunh. and this trip to the fantastic mall was not my first time. it feels like i have been there before.

today at work i am mobile-phone free and twitter-less. i don't know what other people are doing. also wearing the blue zebra stripey top with purple uniqlo cardigan(first time combo!), skinny black belt and black pants.