Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

november 24 - earthly joys

dear bloggers i love who owns cats,

please update or mention your cats from time to time. i get worried if i haven't heard or read about them in a while. i hope it's really nothing if you are silent on the subject(no news is good news?) but it would put my mind at ease if you would just randomly say: also, rasputin is fine and well. yesandyesdotorg.

i seriously worry about strangers' cats,

other cat news:

me: ohmygosh you guys i am obsessed with Mr Chiizu!

a friend: it's great! but is it JUST for cats?


i was beyond thrilled ohjoy! put up a post about her cats after ruby's arrival. that's so sweet of her. i've known too many stories of kitties being abandoned after the baby comes. it's sad but it's also just cruel reality.

i love this writer:

but now i will be seriously intrigued about that three-legged, golden-eyed cat.

other news:

thought i'd be all over terra nova, but hunh. NOPE. it's translated into B.Malaysia and we could not help cracking up over the script. so yeah... no.

i have also been into switched at birth, but being me i ventured into reading about the whole thing on wikipedia and i'm a little dissappointed that the biggest story arc would involve fighting over guys or being upset over guys or being crazy about guys. no likey. why can't it be less guy crazy?

finished reading earthly joys. had no idea king james the 1st was soooooooooooooo gay. gurk. but i kind of liked it and was quite stunned that the ending was so abrupt and it was sad.