Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

december 01 - they said "rawr" no seriously they did.

this happened:

friend: so, uh, you walk around with cat food in your purse?
me: of course NOT. i just drive around with cat food in my car.

apparently yesterday in my absense at a gathering i was outed as "the lady who feeds stray cats everywhere". i know i'm a crazy cat lady, my friends know i'm the crazy cat lady (not all, i do try to minimize that information), but now everyone knows i'm a cat lady. today : "NERI! the cat woman!" complete with claw signs.

guess i'm officially out of the fur closet. FREEEEEEEEEDOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM.


before bed last night i rubbed my eyes really hard then in my dreams my right eye was... a mess. literally a mess. it was all droopy and had some juice leaking out and actually, there was a small whole in it. i would describe it fried egg-white looking. scary. i swore never to rub my eyes again. of course the first thing i did waking up? rub my eyes.


sometimes i just feel like i need to talk to a shrink.