Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

dec 16 - gone back to school *shudder*

i had a dream last night about going to school. apparently the school has been expanded and it (was) now huge and no longer possible to dash across the field(?) to get to class, we had to go around the building. which meant i needed to go extra early to make sure i'd be on time, and to make sure i have parking(cars! to school?)
thanks subconscious mind for reminding me to do the thing that i always needed to do: get to work ON TIME.
there was also a second part: we got a new kitty but the kitty was covered in some sort of kurap. we meant to get her to the vet soon. i think this was brought on by the news of cathy bringing home a new kitten. thanks subconscious mind for telling me that i am a good person.

in other news, i hope i'll get the elbow-patched blazer i ordered a million years ago today. you wouldn't believe how i pined over this thing; checking my emails almost every hour IF the vendor has finally shipped it. it had better fit! i feel like we are star-crossed lovers, the blazer and i.