Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

jan 03 2012!!- same old song

not really into new year resolutions(i make resolutions all the time it seems) but these are the areas i loosely intend to apply on:

1. not be malas/avoid using malas (which already failed but... onwards!) and own up to saying DON'T WANT instead.
2. not be negative towards things and people
3. if i can get it someplace else better/i can make it myself, DON'T HAVE IT at the place where it's not better(this especially applies to kumar's sotong goreng tepung because dah la tak sedap mahal pulak tuh)
4. not think people are dumb
5. for the love of CHEESE/CATS PUHLEASE start your day earlier so you can get to the office earlier.

and always the most popular one:


book news:
i now have all 5 of percy jackon books! HURRAHHHHH. i have also finished reading the lost hero, and son of neptune in 4 days. SO GOOD. i almost cried at some parts. i just love these kids a lot. but i was mighty disappointed to discover that son of neptune doesn't solve the jason mystery!! i love jason and piper together. i guess third book is coming? PLEASE BE OH SO SOON.