Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

february 29th - never the twine shall meet(nathan fillion)

after di sana, everything is different. my twitter feed is full of ridiculousness. i have unfollowed thebloggess. i did find the whole nathan fillion and twine thing to be nauseating, but it takes another big star to make her stop? you may be a celebrated blogger but there are still people who does go 'who?' whenever the topic of you comes up. joking pun joking la tapi melampau tu tak boleh blah la kan.
twitter aku penuh dengan orang kafir dari US yang perasan bagus pun ada jugak. if i unsubscribe to all i would only be following about 10 people haha. some of them are funny though. i like the funny.

whatever it is, i hope the "change" sticks. but i already have trouble waking up wayy before subuh :(

best moments:

everyone speaks the same language of the Quran, it's amazing. the same salawat, the same assalamualaikum, the same doa.

the way the Quran is being reached for and read by everyone. even kids, toting the Quran so casually, opening it to read like a bedtime story.

the top floors of masjidil haram shaking on the impact of all knees landing at the same time for sujud.

we look so different from each other but we pray the same.

in malaysia you try to be so stylish with your jihab. everyone wears the tudung just the basic way, just to make sure your aurat is covered and everyone is so beautiful. no flashes needed.


nothing can beat the feeling of praying inside a mosque Rasulullah s.a.w is resting in/has resided/prayed/built. Nothing can beat the feeling of knowing that you are literally making your way to Baitullah on foot. Insya-Allah.

(shit totally crying now)