Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

march 01 - sequin it so! (oh i am so good(BAD) with the puns)

the progress of a sequin project i had gotten excited about for the past 2 weeks, last night:

1. yay! make lines with... oh i don't have that fabric chalk. maybe pencil would work.
2. that line is wonky. hmmm.
3. yeah that's not good either.
4. make a template out of paper, DUHH
5. suddenly i think it looks cheap
6. wait how do i get rid of these pencil lines?!
7. this erasure is blue and it doesn't work now there are blue lines on the fabric!!
8. this is a cool circle and will go over the dreaded lines. maybe if i just do polkadots...
9. yeah i'll use the pencil again. because i will sew over it anyway. IT WILL BE OK
10. yay circles! uh... large circles
11. it might take a million years to sew all the sequins into the circles. hmmm.
12. it's okay, let's give it a try! 1 sequin! coming up!
13. hey it's... hard to sew... over all these folds...
14. crap. it WILL take a million years to do this.
15. you know what the bag is perfect as it is. i'll just wash it to get rid of the pencil marks.