Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

march 26 - Allah's Mercy


"Subhan�Allah how this lioness took care of this baby antelope. Who put this mercy in her heart, even though it is against her very nature? It was reported that after the pack of lions ate the baby antelope, the lioness in later times adopted five other baby antelopes.

Allah has divided His mercy into 99 parts, and given one part of His mercy to the earth. This one part is so strong that it has transformed the animosity of a lioness towards something that should be her prey, to love. So what would His Mercy, the other 99 parts, be like on the Day of Judgment? If Allah has said that His Mercy encompasses all things, how would it not encompass you? It has encompassed those whose actions are worse than yours, like the man who killed 99 people and then killed one more person making them 100, and Allah has forgiven him. How could He not forgive you and have mercy on you?

So how can you be the recipient of Allah�s Mercy? Ask for it in your prayer."