Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

april 19 - spontaneously combust: wrong!

recently dooce re-opened her monetizing the hate website. as i was reading through it, i thought her haters would definitely have a field day about this! probably they would surmise that her website is going down in terms of revenue, and monetizing the hate was just another way to make her keep afloat. and that was just coming from me, a sort-of-a-fan. and it hit me that her haters are exactly that kak huda character played by rabeka nur islam in the latest drama melayu tv3 pukul 7. nothing makes her happy. she yells all the time about how everyone is wrong; get married: wrong! don't get married: wrong! kawin tanak sanding: wrong! kawin nak sanding: tak malu ke kawin sanding tapi ada anak luar nikah?! wrong!
her brother and sister can never win. and their parents won't say a thing.
dooce's haters are like this. and they are a lottttttt a lotttt a lotttt. and they are so not afraid to tell the world how wrong she is, how sick leta and marlo will grow up to be, make jokes about her kids: wrong! give her kids whatever they want: wrong! she'll never win when it comes to them.
but winning when it comes to people absolutely doesn't matter in the end, what matters is winning jannah. in a way, dooce's situation helped to make this clearer.
i hope God gives her strength and maybe someway or another she'll find Islam.(which would probably cause her haters to spontaneously combust)
why is combust not an acceptable word, wiggly red lines?