Turn around Bright Eyes

every now and then i fall apart

april 25 - vamoose-like

not sure why but i really, really do not like the new girl. i have a hard time accepting jess. she's just too weird. and people around her are weird too. i know i have this horrified look on my face when i watch it. just don't understand the whole thing.

i am very disappointed in jack's easy acceptance of fauxmanda. can't he see that she just cannot be the real amanda? sammy's initial reaction is a HUGE giveaway, jack. plus, if sammy's so friendly with everyone else including emily, shouldn't his dismissal of fauxmanda mean something? that it's not REALMANDA? tsk. no like these latest episodes.

dear self:

guess what? you just bought 2 necklaces for 200 bucks. does this mean you can spend anymore money on anything else just because it's your birthday? those ARE your birthday presents. for the next 10 years. pray hard after 10 years someone will gift you a kidney.

(but those necklaces are beautiful and very vamoose-like)